

      and dissertations typed to the specifications of the Graduate School of State University.

      Twenty-four-hour service for fifty pages or less. Forty-eight-hour service for more than fifty pages.

      Rates: $1 per page on regular paper

      $1.25 per page on cotton bond paper

      $ 0.25 extra for each carbon copy or a graph

      Hours: 8:00 a. m.—10:00 p.m. Monday—Friday

      8:00 a. m.—4:00 p.m. Saturday

      Closed all day Sunday

      Call: 717-5415

      26. What kind of person needs this service?

      A. A doctor.  B. A policeman.  C. The sick.  D. A student.


      27. How much will it cost you if you want five regular papers and two graphs to be typed?

      A. $5  B. $1  C. $5.5  D. $6

      答案C.根据广告上的价格计算:$1 per page on regular paper,$ 0.25 extra for each carbon copy or a graph,5页regular paper需要$5, 2个graphs需要$0.5,共计$5.5.

      28. If you have 20 pages to be typed, how long does it take to get them finished?

      A. More than 48 hours  B. More than 24 hours.

      C. Within 24 hours.  D. In 24 minutes.

      答案C.根据广告上的承诺:Twenty-four-hour service for fifty pages or less.

    29. When does the typing service close on Wednesday?

      A. 10:00 p.m.  B. 8:00 p.m.

      C. 4:00 p.m.  D. It's closed all day.

      答案A.按照广告上的服务时间:8:00 a. m.—10:00 p.m. Monday—Friday,周三应该是晚上10点停止服务。

      30. The main purpose of this passage is __________.

      A. to criticize  B. to describe

      C. to advertise  D. to celebrate


      Part Three Cloze


      There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

      As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 31 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the air-hostess 32 . She looked very pale, but was quite 33 . Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 34 everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. After a moment's 35 , a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot's cabin.

      Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close 36 the ground, but to everyone's relief, it soon began to climb. The man had to 37 the airport several times in order to become 38 with the controls. Therefore the danger had not yet passed. The terrible 39 came when he had to land. Following information, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. It shook violently 40 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly along the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.

      31. A. although  B. while  C. therefore  D. then

      答案A.仔细阅读上下文,就能看出“and 31 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward.”两个句子是对比关系,意思为“尽管旅客系着安全带,但大家还是被抛向前面

    32. A. showed  B. presented  C. exposed  D. appeared

      答案D.A选项正确说法应该为“showed up”,B和C选项意思和用法不符合语境;只有D选项正确。Appear意为“出现”。

      33. A. well  B. still  C. calm  D. quiet

      答案C.应该注意but一词的意义在于引起一个相反的概念。“She looked very pale, but was quite 33 .”也就是说,所选择的单词应该是pale一词含义的反义词。所以用C选项最合适。全局意思为“尽管她脸色苍白,但她很镇静”。其他选项意思或用法有误。

      34. A. inquired  B. insured  C. informed  D. instructed


      35. A. hesitation  B. surprise  C. doubt  D. delay



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