
     1. The great hall was crowded with many people, ______ many children ______ on their parents’ laps.
      A. including; seated
      B. including; seating
      C. included; sat
      D. included; sitting
      2. In the city the old ______.
      A. take good care of
      B. are taken good care of
      C. is taken good care of
      D. are been taken good care of
      3. ______ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.
      A. Being no rain
      B. There was no rain
      C. To be no rain
      D. There being no rain
      4. The singer and the dancer ______ come to Beijing.
      A. has
      B. have
      C. are
      D. is
      5. The little boy still needs the ______ 20 dollars to do with some things ______.
      A. remaining; remained to be settled
      B. remaining; remaining to be settled
      C. remained; remained to settle
      D. remained; remaining to settle
      1. A。including为介词;由seat的用法可知,此处应用其过去分词形式。
      2. B。the +adj. 表示整体概念,谓语用复数。the old 指“老人”。
      3. D。There being no rain为 there be句型的独立主格形式。
      4. B。由and连接的两个单数名词作主语时,一般用复数形式,但and所连接的并列主语是同一个人,事物,或概念时,谓语动词用单数。这两种情况区分如下:a/the+单数名词+and+单数名词,指的是同一个人或物;a/the+单数名词+and+ a/the+单数名词,指两个人或物。
      5. B。第一个remaining用作形容词,作“剩下的”解;第二个remaining to be settled是-ing形式短语作定语。


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